Please contact us before placing order.
Dispatch Time: - 5 to 7 days from date of receipt of Payment.
Delivery Time: - As per actual.
Transport Cost: - Transport cost on "To Pay Basis" and extra.
Replacement / Refund Policy: - Goods Once sold will not be replaced and/or no refunds shall be made.
Got a noise problem?
The World Health Organisation has concluded that noise pollution is an environmental killer, second only to air pollution. Our hearing is an active sense, meaning that excessive noise can trigger stress responses in our bodies, impacting our phyiological and mental health. Where conventional materials fail, stratocell whisper is proven to be a robust, versatile and safe solution.
Stratocell Whisper provides unaltered acoustic performance in challenging environments such as outdoors, wet and humid areas, dusty industrial areas and in road and rail applications.
Do you want to know more about the benefits of using Stratocel Whisper?