Our company cater to acoustical treatment services for a recording studioat modest rates.
As per specific end usage necessitiesof the clients, the Sound of silence is offering a comprise quality ofacoustic solutions and treatment. Our company makes sure to provide the bestpossible sound barrier support. The features of acoustical treatment services for arecording studio are solutions designed to keep theaesthetics neat, help in isolating sound, Echo, support eliminatingreverberations, reasonable rates and much more.
Vision Statement:
Sound of silence is committed to providing comprehensive and world classacoustic solutions to the music and audio industry, entertainment world,advertising and distribution media, and other clients, innovatively customizingour services to their specific needs, and aspiring to be the best in theindustry.
We offer a broad spectrum of acoustical solutions for commercial,residential spaces and industrial facilities. Our unique selling proposition(USP) revolves around our expertise in Acoustic testing, Consulting, andExecution, setting us apart by leveraging our specialized knowledge and skills,we ensure precise and reliable outcomes for our clients.